Well the kids are in their winter uniforms now. Kit has moved up a level in his readers and is so proud of himself. Hannah is going great guns. She got a class award in gymnastics a couple of weeks ago and this week her teacher said that she had a lot of fun in that class. She is also getting very tired. She has music on Wed after sport and lunch. She has fallen asleep in that class for the past two weeks. I have mentioned to her teacher that I might atake her home half day next week on that day. It is mid term and she has been working so hard. You can see how tired she gets - and it isn't as if she isn't sleeping well - she is sleeping in until after 7 which is great for her.
the school has a canteen that has just started opening 3 days a week after refurbishments. Well the first week it opened I gave the kids a lunch order each for the Friday. Then this week - I hadn't planned on it but on Wed pm when I collected the twins, Hannah's teacher came and let me know about Hannah's day. It seems that at lunch she took ehrself to the canteen and lined up with the other kids. Her teacher tried explaining that as she didn't have any money she wouldn't be able to buy anything that day. She said that Hannah got very upset, stood up straight and stiff ignoring her - and when she realised that she wouldn't be able to buy 0 she was devestated and cried and cried. Kit happened to be standing nearby so he gave her lots of cuddles and then seh went off to music and fell asleep. Clearly her teacher felt upset about it all and mean. She said that the grade ones were all offering Hannah some money, the mums in the canteen were ust wanting to give her what she wanted - but the lovely gentle and kind Miss L stood firm God bless her.
To be honest the week before when I did the lunch orders - it was because I was unsure of how Hannah would cope with just lining up and communicating her order to the ladies - so an envelope put in in the morning seemed the better option. Needless to sayt hat I have had to adjust my expectations about canteen. I think I'll make it tat the twins can order from it once a week rather than the once a fortnight I had been hoping for. SO last night I got out my clip art and printer and laminator - and made a litle keychain communicator - some pics of a few things on the menu that I think would appeal to Hannah as well as some pics of the relevant AU$ - she is good at matching same images so I figure if need be the canteen ladies just have to show her what coins she needs for whatever she is buying. ANyways she came home happy - so it must have worked!
There was gold coloured muftiday this week too. Do you know how hard it is to come up with a gold wardrobe?? So I found Kit a dull stripey shirt - that at least he sorta needs and had some gold in it but Hannah? She gets heaps of lovely handmedowns and doesnt' need new clothes plus I couldn't see any in the department stores I scoured earlier in the week. In the end it occurred to me that the skirt on a Snow White dress up is pretty gold - well that was a big hit. In fact she won a lolly bag for hte best dressed girl in her kindy class - which made her very proud.
Congratulations, Hannah, for the gymnastics award!
ReplyDeleteAnd the canteen keychain is a good one too.
Glad Miss L stood firm. Hannah is not charity.
(Hope the Red Shield Appeal is supported where you are!)
Wow. She has style! Respect!
Winter uniforms are awesome too.