Monday, June 7, 2010


I wish I could post a photo here - but for privacy of the other child I won't ...
Tonight when I was unpacking Hannah's schoolbag I found a sheet of A4 green paper. On it in the lovely kindy style handwriting are 6 words - some of the letters are backtofront, one word is incomprehensible - but the magic of those words I could read - To Hannah ? ???? from your Friend S****. How beautiful is that! I made sure I talked with her about it - and how she should draw a picture for him tomorrow. Then I showed it to the adults in the room. S**** is a little boy who also went to the same LDC as teh twins last year. He is a gorgeous little fellow and just recentlyt he teachers have rearranged the kids reading groups - and he and Hannah are in the same one. Just lovely. It made my day - well almost - so did getting 100% on a numeracy quiz for Uni - that's never happened before lol! Magic what a whole day's revision for one little quiz can do...

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic.

    And keep revising!

    Not only for your quiz, but expectations.

    (When we revise, we lay down the ground).

    Love the idea of a thank-you letter.

    (I bet it says "I love you".)

    LDC: Long Day Care?
