Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Hannah's focus teacher sent home a level 2 reader for us to try yesterday. She wrote that they had been working on it. When I saw it - it had quite a lot of words in it - I simply asked Hannah to tell me about the pictures (cos I was cooking and didn't have the time to actually sit and help her read throught hte text). She starts by pinting at the title and reading perfectly 'Going out'. SO I forgot about the dinner and went and got the video camera - she did GREAT!! followed the words with her finger and used the pictures to help her remember the 'different' words int he story. Her pronunciation of 'swimming pool' was fantastic and she even put the 't' on 'out' on the last page.

Then after dinner Kit got a Dr Seuss book - for me to read (they usually get 1 story book each before bedtime). It was Bears on Wheels which is quite a simple one - so his father suggested that Kit read it to me - which he did with only a couple of words giving him trouble. A little later it was time for Hannah's story choice - she staggers out into the loungeroom carrying all the remaining Dr Seuss books (and yes we do have quite a collection that was given to us by a friend). She then chose The Spooky Old Tree which is above her reading level for sure (I think Kit would find it reasonably challenging). Together we sat and 'read' it. What I was chuffed abot was that I could see not only an enthusiasm for reading but she was clearly applying the literacy strategies they have been using at school to help her read it. Luckily there were a few simpler pages in it - she would run her finger under the print and look to the pictures to help her with things like "one bear with a light, one bear with a stick and one bear with a rope.'
I have long known that Hannah would be able to read - but I am in awe of her progress. I thought it would take her much longer to get to the stage she is at now. Good work little precious. Good work.


  1. Big congratulations to Hannah.

    And of course to the school for teaching her such excellent literacy strategies.

    And we authors who write such engaging books!

    (Of course if the bears were camping, they would have had a torch, or fire).

    Choosing a story because of interest is important because it pushes you. I hope Kit's "Wheels" were interesting also.

  2. they are both doing so well and thanks gives me idea's of were we are heading.
