Monday, May 2, 2011

Same old Same

Well it's week 2 and I am already having ranting conversations in my head - so I guess it is time to offload. Again.

School open day was this morning. I have to somehow come to accept that this is just not going to be Hannah's year for great strides. I wish I had a crystal ball to make sure that next year would be better.

It started yesterday. I spoke with Kit's teacher - and watched her interact with hannah. Then Hannah's old kindy teacher was there. I witnessed very clearly the sort of interactions that I think hannah needs. I haven't seen that with her Year 1 teacher yet. I'm still waiting. Hoping like a fool. I console myself with the knowledge that Hannah likes her. That she spontaneously says her name and wants to give her presents etc.

I watch Kit's teacher provide a classroom setting that flows smoothly on from last year's mode. Group work, student focus balanced with whole class instruction. In Hannah's room the model is more traditional. Whole class instruction followed by individual work. The kids I know who have difficulties sit quietly. The others get called upon to 'read' aloud or write on the board. There is a high expectation that these kids will learn by looking, listening and osmosis. They don't seem to mind - they feel safe there. Hannah at first refuses to even sit with the group. When she does she rolls about at the front. Plays with cushions and a teddy bear. Safe knowing that she wont' be expected to even point to a word in the large story book. The teacher had a few small copies of the Big Book that she was reading - they went to the more able students. the above average. Why on earth not my daughter??? You know - the one who finds it hard to focus for long lengths of time? The one with poor eyesight??

So yeah I am pissed off too. The new principal 'observed' her yesterday afternoon. I am sure she was at her best (NOT). Can't wait to have that meeting - I bet he got the full low down on what she couldn't do from her teacher.

I guess I just have to remember to breathe. To take one step at a time and protect Hannah as best I can and hope that things don't get worse. Mainstream really and truly sucks sometimes.

As a side bug - in kindy the rooms are organised in groups. They are in all other Year 1 and 2 classes - except for Hannah's. Now I know as a teacher we all have our styles and things that work for us but for Hannah this one year switch must just be confusing and alienating. It reflects a classroom philosophy that I am not nearly as happy with. Opportunities for Hannah to work in a small group of peers are virtually nonexistent....what a waste of all the wonderful work done last year to involve all the class in Hannah's (and each others) learning... I am sure it works for some kids but I don't believe it works for a significant number of them. Time to count up the weeks left I guess...and BREATHE.

1 comment:

  1. Sitting here shaking my head Shelley :( Not a lot you can do hey. Some years it's like banging your head against a brick wall. Haha you know how it ended for us :P But that was different, the co ordinator is going to be there year after year... At least for Hannah you will have a fresh start next year. Chin up ! And keep fighting!!
