Thursday, April 8, 2010

Holiday groove

Boy they need haircuts - that will have to go on the 'to do' list for next week.
Well I started the holidays with all sorts of good intentions. I was going to do a little work with hannah each day. Hmmmn ... that hasn't eventuated however I did make a numbers book 1-3 with her today and she has been swimming for the last 3 mornings so she hasn't been missing out too much. I brought out the little lego yesterday to encourage her and Kit to play with it together - and that worked a charm. I also bought some moulding clay yesterday and hannah helped me make a snowman and she also made a couple of houses. All going well we will paint them this afternoon. When we were out yesterday we ran into a little girl fromt eh twins kindy - Hannah was so excited to see her. I am glad that we are catching up with another little girl from kindy nexxt week - I think hannah will be very happy about that.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure she would be happy catching up with girls she knows.

    Moulding clay is a really fantastic tool.

    And Lego will probably be a new leisure skill in the rainy term.
