Monday, February 8, 2010


I know things are bound to arise - but I am so happy that we are off to a positive start to the school year. I thinkt the teachers I have encountered at the twins school are great. My hat is off to them. I did the parent training for their reading program (for the older years) today - and that looks like it will be fun - it is a good programme and the woman in charge has a lovely manner. They rang me to come and collect Hanah - she is technically still recuperating from her surgery but I didn't want her to totally 'lose' the feeling of being at school - and as she seems fine at home - I sent her in and just asked that they call me if they think she has had enough. So I went and got her at lunch. The teachers have read Voctoria's Day with the class and got Kit to help talk about DS with the other children - they said it went really well and meant that Han got a good greeting this morning when the kids saw her back at school. Kit is loving it. They have just put the kids into their literacy numeracy groups (levelled). Kit's favourite part of the week includes library time - and I think hannah will love that too - so I will send her for another half day tomorrow. I have also had a few Mums say they liked the letter that went home 'from Hannah'. So I feel that was a good strategy as it puts it out there - people can say something to me if they like - and then we move on - no big deal - so that is great - just what I was hoping - and I am pleased that they actually read it - as I know how many forms come home in the school bag - can be daunting some days!! It also means that these parents will be able to talk about it clearly and in an 'up to date' way with their kids should the need arise - and maybe I won't have too many people refer to her as 'a Downs' or tell me that she is 'mild downs' lol!!
I'd best get her asleep in fornt of the tele while I get back to trying to get the floors mopped ...


  1. Fantastic. I love reading your updates and hearing how well Kit and Hannah have settled in. Also awesome to get some positive feedback about the letter to the parents.

  2. "That's Trisomy 21 to you lot!"

    Or Hannah is "chromosomally enhanced".

    It would be great if the Mums and kids wrote back to Hannah as well.

    Great that they read Victoria's Day.

    Would love to share with you a story I found about a 71-year-old man, who lived through the Second World War and many other big world events.

    Yet he had not been in a family home for 30-40 years.

    Here is Edgar's tale from the Idaho Statesman

  3. Adelaide - that is such a wonderful story! The generosity of people (or maybe I should say their openness to 'life' in all its guises fills me with awe) - you can really see how this family have received from their generosity as much as Edgar has. Lovely. Thanks for the link.
