Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Communication Book

I have heard various people talk about how useful these are - and our EI sped teacher suggested one for preschool last year - but it never happened - the twins went to preschool 2 days a week and it didn't seem to be something that I could really push for.

Now they are at school 5 days a week and learning ina more structured way - it definitely becomes a priority. We discussed it at our planning meeting last year and then this year after a week or so - I simply made a comment of 'that's the sort of thing that could go in the communication book when it starts' and this week - (when all the kids school books came home to be covered) the Day Book began. The first entry started off well with reading and listening activities and ended badly with scratching an older student(!!!) this is new territory for us and I was very upset about it. Her first entry - tehre it is in b/w. I know it was overeacting but I did feel very upset at Hannah. I am absolutely NOT saying there is any logic in my feelings - but I have to admit there is a part of me that feels that because Hannah 'stands out' as different then she can also be helpd under closer scrutiny than others - and you know - only recently there was a letter to the local parent/child free newspaper about how integration doesn't work - and how the letter writer's kids suffer because of the 'special needs kids' in the room - their neediness and their behaviour (the letter writer was an absolute tosser with lots of sweeping generalisations and flaws in their arguments - but that's another post)- and here was my hannah fulfilling those myths.

She got a good talking to and the next day - lots of statements reiterating the need to listen and follow instructions and keeping hands to self - no scratching!!! I also clipped her fingernails as a bit of insurance. She had a great day. I must confess I felt anxious all day and got tot he school to collect her early due to feeling uptight about how her day might have gone. Having said that I love the book - that is the sort of stuff I amy not want to hear - but definitely need to - and the teacher has reported more positive experiences than that one negative.

I became convinced at the value of the day book after reading the one Dan Drinker's parents had - not only was it good reading - i could so cleearly see the partnership between home and school - something that I hope will prove to be a secret of success - should we succeed!!

1 comment:

  1. Really appreciated the reminder about Dan Drinker: I haven't looked at his blog in so long, it seemed the film would be going slowly. (Hopefully it is not in development hell!)

    I hope the book is positive because Hannah will be reading and writing in it herself.
