Well Take 2 happens tomorrow - I haven't done any coaching outside of - how old are you? But the little bugger insists on saying '4' (hey that is right - better than the '2' she gave as her answer last week!) but then she almost immediately goes on to 'birthday 5' - which isn't that clear given her speech but means what it says - "I'll be 5 next birthday'. SO I have been stressing that 'H" is the 'boss/teacher and Hannah must listen and use her words. Outside of that - let the dice fall I say - it doesn't change who she is. It is however the pink ribbon on the diagnosis - the labelling of the scary part of DS (once the near death stuff of OHS is out fo the way that is!!) - it is the measuring of the 'intelletual disability' - and in the verdict lies partially the summing oup of our dreams and hopes for ehr - her future poptential - her chance of independent living and her education options... Still - it doens't change a single thing about my beautiful daughter - it might make me sad for her but never about her. She is always who she is - and that is divine. A mystery so sweet that I thank God every day - and would I think reguardless of religion!
Walking up to the local shop I asked her yesterday what street she lived in - she named it correctly and then gave the number - so I know no matter what ehr formal assessment may indicate that not only is she school ready - she definitley has an ntelligence - why on earth would I start wanting her to have a mainstream intelligence now? There is nothing 'mainstream' about our house after all!
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