Monday, June 13, 2011

Projects and Presentations

The twins had their first school project this term - on Bugs. Hannah chose Butterflies (lucky we have a simple book about them that the grandparents bought for the twins ages ago) and Kit did stick insects. The day they got it Kit was obsessed - every minute was spent googling or drawing stick insects. Then the obsession moved onto something else. For Hannah she wasn't interested in googling but I had helped her choose butterflies after she surprised me with a very lovely drawing of a butterfly. (She had drawn some small circles to form it's 'body' and then 2 paris of wings too...

While at the post office to apply for our passports (Yay Europe - here we come!) I saw and bought some butterfly stickers. I also downloaded a couple of life cycle of a butterfly diagrams and printed them off - Hannah chose which one she wanted to use and then cut out each stage and numbered it 1-4. Everyone was very happy with her efforts - here is the note from her teacher: "Thank you so much for all the work and preparation you did for Hannah's fantastic Butterfly project. She was really great at presenting it and knew just so much! We were all really proud of her. It was a really fabulous moment and the class gave her a standing ovation. Well done to Hannah's family. "

Kit had run out of steam but we managed to coax him over the line without having to do too much of the work for him (!). He made a stick insect with lego and we got him to make an old shoe box into its habitat. He is meant to present today but as his teacher has just started 6 weeks leave and there is a substitute in there I am not sure whether it will happen or not. I don't know what it is with these teachers and the rows of desks but Kit's room is now reorganised into rows (not quite so long and awkward as in Hannah's room but still..). We have a meeting at the school next week about Hannah The regional support officer will be there. It will be interesting to see what the Principal and she think - there has been small improvements but overall there is still a lot more adjustments needing to be made to promote better inclusion.

1 comment:

  1. There are some very glittery butterfly stickers Hannah can enjoy. As well as the puffy ones!

    It will be great to talk about the butterfly project with the regional support officer.

    Yes, it is true. Butterflies start with circles.

    Argh! Rows!

    You will have to peep into European classrooms and see how they are arranged... (especially British Early Years classrooms and Key Stage 1 ones. French classrooms have often been more traditional).

    What a wonderful idea to make a stick insect out of Lego.
