Reading Dan Drinker's Communication Book convinced me that I needed a book - a dialogue between myself and Hannah's teacher - to help make our journey in the mainstream successful. I didn't expect her teacher to write in it every day but every afternoon it was one of the first things I looked at - as I stowed the kids school bags in the boot of the car and before getting behind the wheel to drive them home - I'd check the Day Book. As I helped in the school 2 mornings a week - and hence got updates from Han's teachers then her teacher generally used the book a couple of times a week - and less as the year went on - still at least once a week would be an entry. tonight I have continued in the book with a note to Hannah's new teacher. We haven't formally discussed the idea so perhaps unlike Hannah's kindy teacher she may end up choosing to use email or the Notes app on Hannah's new ipad... but for now the Day book is our record. Our story lies therein...
Monday 15 Feb 2010
Bullet points:
Hannah had a great morning she participated well in the guided reading group (with teacher) she recognised letters: a, m, s, t
She responded well in the writing lab she stayed seated in her chair during the instructional lesson.
After lunch during lineup a child in Middleschool tried to assist Hannah to lines from the library
Hannah did not follow instructions (from child) and attempted to bite her, but Hannah did scratch the other child several times therefore got a sad face (insert pic of said 'sad face'.
[Well - there it is - her first entry - and BOY
what an entry!!!!! I was in tears. Quite irrational really but I felt that Hannah had let us all down - and especially let herself down. I felt that the school had worried about this sort of thing happening - and here it was - barely 2 weeks in. Boy I went on and on at the poor girl. I was so confused - the description was not behaviour I'd ever seen of Hannah. It perplexed me. In hindsight now I can see that she modelled some Ben 10 superhero play with other children and I hadn't clipped her nails - and that explains the scratches - the biting I still don't get but don't really believe that that was what Hannah was trying to do - it certainly may have
looked like it - but she has never really been a biter.]
I am very glad Hannah did so well in the reading and writing. I am appalled at her behaviour later in the day - she has promised her father and I that there will be no sad faces today - so let's hope that is the case. I also trimmed her fingernails so they are shorter now.
Hannah has had a ??? day. She worked well in the writing lab - holding pencil, doing circular patterns and staying in her seat for more than 10 minutes.
In the classroom today we had a green mat (big enough to sit on) that Hannah went to all day when we asked her and she stayed seated on it.
Hannah had lots of * (stars) on her chart a few stickers for great listening today (happy face)
Ms G and G also came in and assisted Hannah in her writing and maths activities today.
That's great!
Hannah had a good day. She xxxtt on the whiteboard all by herself and started to use her visuals more to communicate.
I spoke to P @L (EI) She mentioned about making a 'first and then' board to help Hannah move throughout her day. She also mentioned about giving Hannah teacher roles to help involve her more in group sessions.
Any other suggestions welcome.
L & V
Sunday 21st Feb
I have enclosed Hannah's "Exit Report" from L (EI) which summarises where Hannah is at in various developmental areas. SA the OT has included an additional list of 'Activities for School and Home' (this is due to Hannah not having private OT at the moment)
S is happy for you to call her and possibly arrange a visit to the school if you think that would be helpful.
I did the 'favourite toy' booklet to try and help Hannah talk about her 'baby'. (Kit got an A4 sheet - so that he didn't feel left out)
I put in a couple of 'fist then' cards in case they are helpful.
Many thanks for all the information ...apologies that we ran out of time to do Hannah's toy ..but will definitely do it tomorrow.
Thankyou also for the 'first, then' cards. They really helped today.
Hannah has had a good day. She
really loves baby. It was beautiful to see!!
I will try and contact S over the coming week to touch base with her.
22 Feb
You're welcome!
Tues 23rd Feb
Hannah has had a great day. The suggestions from the reports were great. We have started using their suggestions.
G (sp ed teacher) called S today to talk about her suggestions. I will give her a call back to organise a visit. She was really lovely. We were also wanting to know if you had any short thick pencils? or where do you suggest we get some from
signed - by me.
Hannah enjoyed sharing...her sentence and all the other ... she got really excited.
She also found it challenging to focus today eg writing, working on sounds. She preferred computer and dress ups. But overall a good day.
24/2 This week's reader was perfect for Hannah.
She was able to say and follow with her finger "come to" saying 'the' was too hard but she did approximate it and then the place names were generally ok too.
She knows all the letters but had trouble with them (maybe size of print - so I'll keep playing with those at home too)
She loves monkeys - how did you know?
That's great!! She also had a great day. I rang S (OT) and she mentioned P (EI) and her will organise a time to come out.
Hannah focused better today and even took herself and sat all the time in Italian (40 mins).
25/2 Shelley
PS H her speech therapist is due to visit the school for a 30 mins speech session - do I need to let her know any specific information? Will she use the little room near the front office? Does she go tot he classroom to collect Hannah?
No specific info is needed. I can touch base with her.
Yes she will need to collect her from the classroom. The office staff will show her. She will probably use the staffroom.
Hannah has had a good day.
L (EI) is coming to visit Thursday week between 10 -12 pm to make suggestions or give advice in anyway.
That's great L. I think that you and V are doing a great job transitioning her. The way you have had conversations with her peers about difference means that a number of children come up to her when we are out around the school this is so motivating for her speech because she loves it and wants to build friendships. In fact her speech at home is markedly improving. On the weekend I suggested she go sit with a group of children who we were with at a local park - and she did! all by herself! I am sure she could not have done that last year.
NSW Down Syndrome Association has 2 seminars coming up which may be of interest to you .... details are given blah blah blah...
Shelley thanks for all the info I .... into it.
Great to hear Hannah is transitioning well. It was nice to get your feedback.
SHe has had a great day. Hannah didn't really want to do anything this morning but after recess we got her using the playdoh, geoboards and Duplo. She loved the duplo.
Hannah was with G (teacher's aid) and they made a house for 'baby'. Hannah then drew it with some help and talked about it.
Lovely to see the photoes and Hannah's work. Shelley
Thank you for the books. I will make good use of them
Hannah was good today. She did trip over at lunch time. But you may want to check. She hit her head on the ground. She seemed to bounce back okay after some tears and ice.
You're welcome. Hannah was absolutely exhausted last night - not that she slept well - she had obviously had a bsy day. It was lovely to hear from Miss J that she sat with the group for the whole music lesson.
Hannah was tired again today But she worked well Ms M (teacher's aid) did lots of fine motor activities with her this morning and she had her speech teacher come after recess for about 30 minutes.
She fell over a lot today. losing her balance.
thanks L
I think that she is getting particularly tired - and will probably continue to for a while because she is absorbing more. I hope you all have a good day.
PS Lack of balance was no doubt due to an ear infection (sad face) I gave Hannah some panadol this morning and will take her to the dr at 11.30 today.
Hannah has had a great day. She brought herself into class this morning and sat on the green mat throughout roll call and discussion about hte day.
She worked well in the writing lab - using putty, crayons to do O O O patterns
In maths she sat with the group again.
The photo is lovely. Great to see her practising her letters.
8/3 Shelley
PS You're welcome to keep the photo.
[said photo was of Hannah giving her doll Sally a 'lesson' - for all the world she was so obviously copying her teacher Ms L!]
Hannah has had a good day. P and C (EI) came in from 10 -12pm. They gave lots of suggestions and advice I'll share with them with you, when I get a chance to write them down.
In regards to our meeting M (Principal) has had to change the date to the 30th @ xxam. Is this okay with you? Hannah's speech teacher did not come today. - my note: - she arrived while you were meeting with PandC, saw Hannah in the classroom.
I hope you found P and Cs visit helpful - I am very impressed with how well you have been able to accommodate Hannah already. I think you and everyone else there is doing a great job.
Thanks Shelley. their visit was helpful. They have loaned a few items to us eg handwriting without tears, doodle board, book, dvds which is great. The girls also mentioned trying to get us a slope board for Hannah when writing.
lots of suggestions were made. for example: Having Hannah doing correct actions in photoes (sitting on green mat, sitting at her seat) How to guide her when she may not want to do something, extending from 1 first to 2 firsts and then her reward, the teachers having an extension band like Hannah does on her pocket to point things out, having the finished picture (image drawn of checks) picture on equipment to encourage her to pack away and not just walk away.
Hannah had a good weekend and should be fine for school today - please call home if not - Kit was sick (vomiting) yesterday so he is having a rest day today. I hope Hannah isn't too out of routine and that she copes without Kit. She has after school care this afternoon.
PS I'll try and give you the slope board and scissors today.
[can you tell how nervous I was about sending Hannah to school without Kit? I'd never done it before - not at preschool or LDC - if he stayed home so did she - I just knew she wouldn't cope..and neither would I! lol.]
Hannah has had a
really good day. She worked extremely well in small groups this morning, sitting and participating with the group and interacting as well.
Thank you for the slope board and scissors. We used them today and I think they will really help.
That's great to hear.. She had a good sleep but is a bit grumpy this morning! Kit is still unwell with a bad cough.
Hannah has had a really good day. M (teachers aid) was in with Hannah this morning and she worked well in her small groups, waiting, sharing and interacting in the group.
A little tired towards the end of the day but lots of stamps up her arm!!
Hannah has been extremely tired today. She really didn't want to be involved in any groups today. She even rested her head on the table in writing lab.
She also had a rest in book corner after recess, just looking at books.
Yes she was quite cuddly in the morning so that doesn't surprise me.
Hannah has had a good day. She was very restless first thing this morning and didn't want to participate in any whole class or small group activities.
She did have an accident in wetting herself. After that she seemed more settled.
Hannah worked well with G this morning - reading fine motor activities and listening. She also worked well with Ms G doing writing and an easter craft.
30/3 Shelley
I hope that you have a lovely Easter. Thank you very much for all the work and time and care you provide the children - especially Hannah; she loves Miss L. I have put some little eggs in her bag - for her classmates - Kit said that it was ok - I hope he is right! No after school care for the twins today.
Happy holidays. Shelley
And there you have it. One term, the first term of Kindy - done. To be continued....