Monday, October 11, 2010

A New Term

Ten weeks left of kindy. Wow. October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month which means that lots of resources and links have been flying around fb. One was a short video based ont eh story of My Friend Isabelle. It can be found by clicking on the title - if this copy and paste doesn't work....

Anyhow if that doesn't work - google Everyone Counts My Friend Isabelle and it will come up on the ndss website.

I mentioned it to Hannah's teacher in the communication book today - and she showed it to the kindy kids today.

It would have been great at the start of the year - but is no doubt a timely reminder for them. This morning when we got to school you wouldn't know that they need reminding though - one gorgeous little girl came running over to take Hannah by the arm - to show her her zhuzhu pet, another came over to say hello and our young friend (who visited in the break to make pasta at our house) came over and immediately lifter her up off the ground in his joy. Then one of the girls held her hand and away they went to the other side of the playground. Lovely. When it works, it works... I hope it works for a looong time...


  1. It would be really great if the kids participated in their own video. The reason I suggest this is because they can be active and reflective in their learning about a very special friendship, and it would be a resource for the school community.

    "My friend Hannah".

    Of course you would have to get permissions and liabilities, but you can have them at school, home and play.

    Another film the kids might really enjoy is Deedah and Me. "Deedah" is Charlotte, the sister of Johnathan.

    Here is the blog of DEEDAH AND ME. It shows how awesome Buddy Walks can be.

  2. What a great blog! Thanks for the tip.
