Sunday, February 13, 2011


Things are settling in well at school. I am very happy with how Hannah's teacher is handling things. Biggest issue is getting her ipad home each night - she didn't bring it home Thurs or Fri so I couldn't do any of the speech app with her over the weekend. Will try and chat about that with the teacher... Hannah was totally wrecked the first week back. I sent her away on a Dads and kids weekend and was sure that this would spell disaster for the next week too but it seems to have been fine. She was much less tired and managed to still go to her swimming lesson after school one day as well. SHe had her first dance lesson of the year on Sat and is back in the disability swimprogram too so just about full steam ahead - except for her sleeping patterns - they are still a bit dreadful... she must have been up for about 2 hours all up in the middle of thee night last night...fingers crossed some routine and consistency will sort it out reasonably soon - for our sanity as well as hers.
Kit was thrilled to be elected for the SRC - he received his badge at the school mass on Friday. Unfortunatley I couldn't be there but he grandparents were and took some lovely photoes - if they email them through I'll try and post one. One of the other mums said he was so proud that afterwards he kept looking down at his badge - she was worried because he wasn't looking where he was going! I am a bit worried - I don't want him becoming a politician and yet he does like to 'work the room'...
Anyways here's to another week. We also found out last week that our principal is leaving .. so uncertain times ahead I fear.

1 comment:

  1. What a busy time for Hannah and congratulations to Kit!

    Yes, uncertain times with the principal. Hope she knows how widely she was appreciated.
