Well we got our end of year reports today:
"Hannah has made great progress in her reading and writing this year....Hannah has worked well in mathematics this year...Hannah has made fantastic progress in all Key Learning Areas and should be very proud of her achievements. She has really settled into the routine of school and has become enthusiastic about her learning....Hannah has been a pleasure to have in the classroom this year. Well done Hannah."
"Kit behaves in a compassionate way and is caring towards others...Kit has made pleasing progress in English this year...Kit has shown a really strong understanding of numbers...Kit is a happy and friendly student who always works to the best of his ability. He is a cooperative student who interacts and relates well with others. He needs to be commended for the consistent effort that he puts into his work. He has produced pleasing results in all subjects, especially his reading. It has been a pleasure to teach Kit..."
Lots of happy dancing here tonight and a trip planned for tomorrow to take the twins to a local children's bookstore to choose a book as reward for the HUGE effort they have made this year in starting school...